TRIMming Tau Damage in Its Foxholes

Aberrant tau inside neurons is a key driver of Alzheimer’s disease, but nearly all the therapies in development to target it can only capture the small amount that floats outside of them. A new animal study reports impressive results in clearing aberrant tau inside neurons and rejuvenating cognitive function, opening up an important new front in damage-repair strategies for maintaining the aging brain.


Legs of Iron, Feet of Clay

Aging muscles lose strength above and beyond what would be expected from the mere loss of muscle mass. Accordingly, many drugs have been shown to stimulate muscle growth in older people, but the increased muscle mass consistently fails to translate into increased strength and physical function. To let people live independent lives for longer, we need damage-repair longevity therapeutics to repair the cellular and molecular damage that makes aging muscle dysfunctional.


Get the Message: mRNA to Target Intracellular Aggregates

Several pharma companies are currently running clinical trials on damage-repair therapies targeting damaged forms of the protein tau to combat Alzheimer’s disease. But these AmyloSENS therapies only reach tau in the fluid outside of neurons, when what we need is to clear damaged tau inside of them. Fortunately, researchers are beginning to use mRNA — the same revolutionary biotechnology platform of the best COVID vaccines — to develop new LysoSENS therapies to do just that.


SENSible Question: How Might Cyclarity’s UDP-003 Compare to EDTA Chelation?

A supporter asks us to compare the expected benefits of Cyclarity’s UDP-003 to chelation therapy. Although both target the age-related scourge of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), EDTA (if it works) dampens down the worst aspects of having ASCVD, while UPD-003 is a SENS “damage-repair” therapeutic which is expected to remove the underlying damage itself and reverse the disease process.


EoY 2022-LysoSENS

Week Two of our 2022 End of Year Campaign features LysoSENS (Clearing Waste Accumulations Out of Cells) – with a disease focus on Challenging Atherosclerosis. Also featuring videos from Life Noggin, AMA with Dr. Matthew O’Connor and Michael Rae.


New Breakthroughs in Clearing Out Brain Cell Plaques from the Inside

Research Info Tau is the major microtubule-associated protein (MAP) in mature neurons in the central nervous system. The MAPT (microtubule-associated protein tau) gene encodes for six splice variants that are highly soluble; their main function is interacting and stabilizing microtubules, along with other MAPs. The ability of tau to stabilize the microtubule is aided by …

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A Small Molecule Approach to Removal of Toxic Oxysterols as a Treatment For Atherosclerosis

This research program has successfully spun-out into a company! Visit the Cyclarity Therapeutics website for more information on their transformative approach to atherosclerosis. SENS Research Foundation Research Center Principal Investigator: Matthew O’ConnorResearch Team: Amelia Anderson, Carolyn Barnes, Angielyn Campo, Anne Corwin, Sirish Narayanan Many diseases of aging are driven in part by the accumulation of “junk inside …

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