Research Integrated Science Education

Welcome to the SRF Research Integrated Science Education (RISE) Program Video Homepage! These videos have been designed specifically for the RISE lessons. The RISE Program focuses on integrating experimental design and data interpretation concepts into high school biology curriculum through high quality video explanations, interactive student activities, and discussion-friendly slides.
If you are a teacher, you can register to access the accompanying lesson content at
This Program was made possible by a grant from Dalio Philanthropies.
Module 1
The first module will introduce you to COVID-19 and explore how the seemingly disparate clinical manifestations of the disease may be connected. The series of background videos and interactive activities found on this homepage will help prepare you to evaluate published COVID-19-related research publications.
What Connects the Symptoms of COVID-19?(5 lessons)
A growing number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 develop symptoms in organs other than the respiratory system as doctors first expected. Can we identify a molecular mechanism that can explain all of the symptoms?
Module 2
The second module will explore the phenomenon of cellular senescence and its proposed role in aging and disease. The series of background videos and interactive activities found on this homepage will help prepare you to evaluate published senescence-related research publications.
How Does Cellular Senescence Affect Health? (4 lessons)
In recent years, a growing number of studies have shown that the phenomenon of cellular senescence exacerbates many diseases and may have a negative impact on human lifespan. If these cells can be selectively removed from the body, would that increase human healthspan and help lessen disease burden?
The first module will introduce you to COVID-19 and explore how the seemingly disparate clinical manifestations of the disease may be connected. The series of background videos and interactive activities found on this homepage will help prepare you to evaluate published COVID-19-related research publications.
What Connects the Symptoms of COVID-19? (5 lessons)
A growing number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 develop symptoms in organs other than the respiratory system as doctors first expected. Can we identify a molecular mechanism that can explain all of the symptoms?
The second module will explore the phenomenon of cellular senescence and its proposed role in aging and disease. The series of background videos and interactive activities found on this homepage will help prepare you to evaluate published senescence-related research publications.How Does Cellular Senescence Affect Health? (4 lessons)
In recent years, a growing number of studies have shown that the phenomenon of cellular senescence exacerbates many diseases and may have a negative impact on human lifespan. If these cells can be selectively removed from the body, would that increase human healthspan and help lessen disease burden?
How Does Cellular Senescence Affect Health? (4 lessons)
In recent years, a growing number of studies have shown that the phenomenon of cellular senescence exacerbates many diseases and may have a negative impact on human lifespan. If these cells can be selectively removed from the body, would that increase human healthspan and help lessen disease burden?
What Connects the Symptoms of COVID-19? (5 lessons)
A growing number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 develop symptoms in organs other than the respiratory system as doctors first expected. Can we identify a molecular mechanism that can explain all of the symptoms?
You can also view the full glossary of terms used in these videos.