Aging, and the Cure of the Diseases of Aging

We’ve all heard the terminology. “Age-related disease.” “The diseases of aging.” “The diseases of old age.” But what do we mean by them? What is the connection between aging and heart disease, or cancer, or Alzheimer’s? And how is SENS Research Foundation targeting that connection to prevent and cure these diseases?


Cell Reprogramming Leaps Ahead: First Transplant of Primate Induced Pluripotent Cell-Derived Neurons into Donor Brain

“Reprogramming” of adult differentiated cells into pluripotent stem cells is an exciting method in biology that holds enormous promise for rejuvenation biotechnology. Now, for the first time, Dr. Su-Chun Zhang and coworkers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have successfully generated neurons from reprogrammed nonhuman primate cells, transplanted them back into the same animal’s brain, and seen them successfully and cleanly integrate into the local tissue.


Project: Break Aging Arteries Free

SENS Research Foundation has established a new research center at Cambridge University and a collaboration with scientists at Yale University. The mission: develop new therapies to repair a critical form of molecular damage that drives the slow stiffening of the arteries with age. Such rejuvenation biotechnologies could prevent such deadly and disabling diseases of aging as stroke and kidney disease.


“Accelerated Aging:” Inspiration Beyond Equivocation

The preliminary results of a clinical trial for a disease of “premature aging” – Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) – are hopeful and inspiring. However, they cannot directly inform the development of rejuvenation biotechnologies; although the symptoms of HGPS are similar to those observed in aging, there is no evidence to suggest that the underlying mechanism is pathologically significant in those not afflicted with the disease.


ShARM: The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes comes to Aging Research

Aging laboratory rodents are the foundation of our ability to study the degenerative aging process, and develop the rejuvenation biotechnologies that will arrest and reverse it. They’re also expensive, logistically intensive, and in short supply. A new UK initiative has been establish to greatly expand what we can learn from the aging animals in our collective care, and to get a fuller picture of aging and its deceleration and reversal than has hitherto been possible.


By Looped Hook and Targeting Crook: Potential Game-Changer for “Allotopic” Mitochondrial RNA

UCLA Researchers have exploited a recently-discovered mammalian system for the mitochondrial import of nuclear-encoded RNA to import, express, and demonstrate functional protein translation from engineered mRNA and tRNA constructs. They used this system, with modifications for mitochondrial targeting and orthotopic translation, to rescue respiration in human mitochondriopathy cells. While further characterization and extension is clearly needed, this approach appears offer great promise for the correction of age-related mitochondrial DNA mutations.


NFT-Specific Tau Vaccine Arrests Tangle Progress

The promising results of immunotherapy for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease has sparked an interest in utilizing the same approach for other forms of aging damage, including the clearance of pathological tau species from within neurons. A group led by Dr. Lars Ittner of the University of Sydney has recently published promising results from studies using a vaccine targeted at the neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) that are characteristic of established tau accumulation.


How to Disable a Cellular Bomb: Findings and Tools on the Machinery of ALT

APBs – protein complexes associated with telomeric DNA in ALT (Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres) cancer cells – are the leading candidates for the sub-cellular site at which the ALT mechanism occurs. Recent work involving the generation of artificial APBs has shed light on their composition and function, providing hints as to how ALT might be disabled.


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