British Daily Mirror featured an interview with SENS Research Foundation’s Science Writer Michael Rae about the world’s richest men taking on the longevity challenge

As part of the widespread media coverage of the launch of Altos Labs and the rising tide of investment into rejuvenation biotechnology, a recent article in a British daily featured an interview with SENS Research Foundation’s Science Writer Michael Rae on Altos Labs, cellular reprogramming, and its place within the SENS platform of rejuvenation biotechnologies and the push toward a future of indefinite medical maintenance of healthy, youthful life.


Longevity Science Foundation’s $1 billion, 10 year distribution shows shift in attitudes since SRF inception

SRF is elated at the announcement in Longevity Technology of a fund that will distribute more than $1 billion over a ten year period specifically “to research, institutions and projects advancing healthy human longevity and extending the healthy human lifespan to more than 120 years.”

Few may remember the environment in which SRF began, in which interest in longevity research and significant extension of human life was far outside the mainstream. This financial commitment is another hard-fought victory in shifting attitudes towards fighting aging.


NIA Reports Senolytics Show Potential to Protect Against Coronavirus in Older Mice

The NIA reports: “Cellular senescence, an aging mechanism in which cells lose normal function, may contribute to a worse response in human cells to COVID-19 and in older mice to a similar coronavirus — but a class of drug known as senolytics decreased adverse responses and increased survival for the mice. The preclinical findings from a study funded in part by NIA were recently published in Science.”

This is also the focus of one of SRF’s projects that is working on selectively removing senescent cells and reversing the damage caused by them to rejuvenate the immune system.


SENS Research Foundation wishes you Happy International Longevity Day and Longevity Month!

The United Nations General Assembly voted to establish October 1st as the ‘International Day of Older Persons’ as recorded in Resolution 45/106. The holiday was observed for the first time on October 1st, 1991.

Following this tradition, longevity research activists from around the world call this day and the month of October; International Longevity Day and International Longevity Month.


Annual Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week 2021

SENS Research Foundation joins the Mitochondrial Medicine Society and during the third week of September in raising awareness for the Annual Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week.

Mitochondrial function declines with age, and these dysfunctional mitochondria adversely contribute to several metabolic and neuromuscular diseases. The mitoSENS team is working tirelessly to help discover the science to reverse and/or prevent damage to mitochondrial DNA. 


Hyperbolic Hyperbaric “Age Reversal”

Lower-quality, clickbait-hungry media outlets love sensationalist claims, but one does expect better from the public relations department of an internationally-respected research university. And it was an easy jump from the already-overstated “In First, Aging Stopped in Humans” and “treatments can reverse two processes associated with aging and its illnesses” to saying that a treatment “can reverse …

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Altos Labs recruits star researchers for rejuvenation therapeutics

As reported in the MIT Technology Review, the rejuvenation start-up is recruiting top researchers to work on “unfettered blue-sky research on how cells age and how to reverse that process.” Milner, a billionaire investor and science enthusiast, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos are said to be investing in the venture that has so far brought on Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte from the Salk Institute, UCLA professor Steve Horvath, and Nobel Prize winning scientist Shinya Yamanaka, who will chair the scientific advisory board.


Senotherapeutics Report

With sponsorship from SRF, Longevity.Technology’s Market Intelligence Unit has published a report examining the potential of targeting cell senescence to treat many major diseases – particularly including current and upcoming investment opportunities – accompanied by a foreword written by SRF Chief Science Officer, Dr. Aubrey de Grey.


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