PulseChain Airdrop

PulseChain Airdrop has ended! The Sacrifice Phase for the Airdrop is officially closed and all final donor information has been sent to the PulseChain team. NO changes or additions can be made at this time. The PulseChain Airdrop has ended! The PulseChain Airdrop sacrifice phase has ended. We are extremely grateful to Richard Heart and …

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Michael Greve Doubles Down

Michael Greve, founder of the Forever Healthy Foundation and owner of Kizoo Technology Ventures, announced today that he will make an additional €300 million ($361m USD) available to launch new rejuvenation biotechnology startups and support the clinical translation of therapies designed by Kizoo’s existing portfolio of companies.


Defeating Aging by 2036

SRF’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Aubrey de Grey, recently estimated a 50% chance that aging could be brought under medical control in as little as 15 years’ time. In a new interview with NextBigFuture, Dr. de Grey explains how recent developments – including the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic – contributed to that prediction.


SRF Masks Available

At the end of 2020, we invited all our supporters to submit designs for an official SRF mask. As well as being worn by our staff, these masks are now available – while supplies last – to anyone who’d like to support our work to end age-related disease and disability.


WebMD Feature: Is There a Cure for Aging?

“I think there is at least a 50/50 chance that most people alive today will live to 1,000 years old.” In a new video produced by WebMD.com, Dr. Aubrey de Grey discusses emerging medical technologies that could not only pause aging, but reverse it, in the surprisingly near future.


Enriching Mitochondria

The MitoSENS team has recently published a new protocol which enables researchers to isolate mitochondria from mammalian cells more efficiently and scalably than any prior technique, using only readily available and economical reagents and equipment.


Undoing Aging is rescheduled to May 26-28, 2022

At the end of each year, SRF launches our final fundraising campaign – the aptly named End of Year Campaign – to encourage our donors to donate during the most giving time of year. This year, matching funds from Michael Antonov and a team of other supporters helped you to smash through our original goal.


Parabiosis: the Dilution Solution?

In heterochronic parabiosis, joining the circulatory systems of young and old mice causes the older animal to recover some features of youth. The effect has been widely assumed to be driven by pro-youth factors in younger blood, but an alternative hypothesis is possible: that the procedure is instead diluting pro-aging factors in the older partner.


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