Category: Blog


Michael Rae and Dr. Robert Rodgers discuss Parkinson’s and aging

SENS Research Foundation’s science writer Michael Rae was interviewed on the Parkinson’s Recovery radio program on “The coming rejuvenation biotechnology revolution for Parkinson’s disease.” In it, they discussed how the cellular and molecular damage of aging most closely involved in Parkinson’s can be removed, replaced, or repaired using rejuvenation biotechnologies, and research underway to make it happen. Read more and listen to the interview to learn how a “damage-repair” approach can prevent, arrest, and eventually consign Parkinson’s to history.

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SENS Research Foundation & Underdog Pharmaceuticals jointly awarded $252,000 NIA research grant

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a grant to advance research on Engineered Cyclodextrins targeting toxic oxidized cholesterol to eradicate atherosclerosis — the cause of most heart attacks and strokes.

Former SRF V.P. of Research and current Underdog Co-founder Matthew O’Connor, Ph.D. and current SRF V.P. of Research Alexandra Stolzing, Ph.D., are the Principal Investigators.

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British Daily Mirror featured an interview with SENS Research Foundation’s Science Writer Michael Rae about the world’s richest men taking on the longevity challenge

As part of the widespread media coverage of the launch of Altos Labs and the rising tide of investment into rejuvenation biotechnology, a recent article in a British daily featured an interview with SENS Research Foundation’s Science Writer Michael Rae on Altos Labs, cellular reprogramming, and its place within the SENS platform of rejuvenation biotechnologies and the push toward a future of indefinite medical maintenance of healthy, youthful life.

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Longevity Science Foundation’s $1 billion, 10 year distribution shows shift in attitudes since SRF inception

SRF is elated at the announcement in Longevity Technology of a fund that will distribute more than $1 billion over a ten year period specifically “to research, institutions and projects advancing healthy human longevity and extending the healthy human lifespan to more than 120 years.”

Few may remember the environment in which SRF began, in which interest in longevity research and significant extension of human life was far outside the mainstream. This financial commitment is another hard-fought victory in shifting attitudes towards fighting aging.

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Does An Immune Role for Beta- Amyloid Create a Therapeutic Dilemma for SENS?

Some scientists have reported that viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens may help drive Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, and that the body uses beta-amyloid protein to fight them off. That seems to imply that it’s a bad idea to remove Abeta from the brain. Here we explain how the SENS “damage-repair” strategy leaps over that therapeutic dilemma — just as it does with other kinds of aging damage.

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New Peer-Reviewed Paper from SENS Research Foundation Reports a Better Method to Study How Immune Cells Seek and Destroy Senescent Cells

We are proud to announce the recent publication by Sharma lab/ApoptoSENS team in the journal Aging describing an improved method for enriching primary NK cells from human peripheral blood and demonstrating the ability of those NK cells to eliminate senescent cells by recapitulating more physiological conditions and potential therapeutic interventions.

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Michael Rae and Dr. Robert Rodgers discuss Parkinson’s and aging

SENS Research Foundation’s science writer Michael Rae was interviewed on the Parkinson’s Recovery radio program on “The coming rejuvenation biotechnology revolution for Parkinson’s disease.” In it, they discussed how the cellular and molecular damage of aging most closely involved in Parkinson’s can be removed, replaced, or repaired using rejuvenation biotechnologies, and research underway to make it happen. Read more and listen to the interview to learn how a “damage-repair” approach can prevent, arrest, and eventually consign Parkinson’s to history.

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Hyperbolic Hyperbaric “Age Reversal”

Lower-quality, clickbait-hungry media outlets love sensationalist claims, but one does expect better from the public relations department of an internationally-respected research university. And it was an easy jump from the already-overstated “In First, Aging Stopped in Humans” and “treatments can reverse two processes associated with aging and its illnesses” to saying that a treatment “can reverse

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Parabiosis: the Dilution Solution?

In heterochronic parabiosis, joining the circulatory systems of young and old mice causes the older animal to recover some features of youth. The effect has been widely assumed to be driven by pro-youth factors in younger blood, but an alternative hypothesis is possible: that the procedure is instead diluting pro-aging factors in the older partner.

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