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Thymus and aging: morphological, radiological, and functional overview.
Age (Dordr). 2013 Jul 23. [Epub ahead of print] doi:
Rezzani R, Nardo L, Favero G, Peroni M, Rodella LF
.....we report the exact age of thymus throughout the review so that readers can have a nicely pictured synoptic view of the process. Focusing our attention on the different stages of the development of the thymus gland (natal, postnatal, adult, and old), we describe chronologically the morphological changes of the gland. We report that the thymic morphology and cell types are evolutionarily preserved in several vertebrate species. This finding is important in understanding the similar problems caused by senescence and other diseases. Another point that we considered very important is to indicate the assessment of the thymus through radiological images to highlight its variability in shape, size, and anatomical conformation.
PMID: 23877171
Tags: review, thymic involution