SENS PubMed Publication Search
The Macrophage ‘Do not eat me’ signal, CD47, is a clinically validated cancer immunotherapy target.
Ann Oncol. 2019 Mar 1;30(3):486-489. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdz006
Takimoto CH, Chao MP, Gibbs C, McCamish MA, Liu J, Chen JY, Majeti R, Weissman IL
[Max Peto]: This paper had no abstract in PubMed, but it has a free full-text. I scanned the full-text, and it appears to be a mini-review of CD47 immunotherapy for cancer, including some clinical trial results of this strategy. I'm not sure whether this would be considered a "SENSible" approach to cancer; cleaning up the cancer once it's started seems so, but that makes curing cancer sound simple, doesn't it?
PMID: 30689700
Tags: cancer immunotherapy, CD47, immunotherapy