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Skin advanced glycation endproducts are elevated at onset of type 1 diabetes in youth.
Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Aug 12. pii: /j/jpem.ahead-of-print/jpem-2014-0086/jpem-2014-0086.xml. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2014-0086
Báez EA, Shah S, Felipe D, Maynard J, Lefevre S, Chalew SA
.....To compare skin advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) in children at onset of type 1 diabetes with children without diabetes. Study design: Skin AGEs (sAGEs) were estimated by measurement of skin intrinsic fluorescence (SIF) at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (NewD; n=47, F=45%, M=55%, Age=10±3.7) and in youth without diabetes (NoD; n=112, F=53%, M=47%, Age=10.4±4.8). HCO3, pH, pCO2, glucose level, and HbA1c effect on SIF was evaluated in NewD patients. Results: SIF at 405 nm and 420 nm excitation were higher (p=0.03) in NewD children compared to NoD. HCO3, pH, pCO2, glucose, and HbA1c were not associated with SIF levels. Conclusions: Despite the short duration of untreated diabetes, sAGEs were higher in children with NewD compared to children with NoD. Further study will be needed to determine whether early accumulation of sAGEs is associated with higher risk for development and progression of complications.
PMID: 25153561
Tags: AGEs, skin autofluorescence