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Removal of p16 INK4 Expressing Cells in Late Life has Moderate Beneficial Effects on Skeletal Muscle Function in Male Mice
Front Aging. 2022 Jan 26;2:821904. doi: 10.3389/fragi.2021.821904.
Steve D Guzman 1, Jennifer Judge 1, Shahjahan M Shigdar 2, Thomas A Paul 3, Carol S Davis 1, Peter C Macpherson 1, James F Markworth 1, Holly Van Remmen 4 5 6, Arlan Richardson 6 7, Anne McArdle 2, Susan V Brooks 1 3
...We hypothesized that whole-body ablation of p16-expressing cells in the advanced stages of life in mice would provide a therapeutic benefit to skeletal muscle structure and function. Treatment of transgenic p16-3MR mice with ganciclovir (GCV) from 20 to 26 months of age resulted in reduced p16 mRNA levels in muscle. At 26 months of age, the masses of tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius and quadriceps muscles were significantly larger in GCV-treated compared with vehicle-treated mice, but this effect was limited to male mice. Maximum isometric force for gastrocnemius muscles was also greater in GCV-treated male mice compared to controls. Further examination of muscles of GCV- and vehicle-treated mice showed fewer CD68-positive macrophages present in the tissue following GCV treatment. Plasma cytokine levels were also measured with only one, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), out of 22 chemokines analyzed was reduced in GCV-treated mice. These findings show that genetic ablation of p16+ senescent cells provides moderate and sex specific therapeutic benefits to muscle mass and function.
PMID: 35821997
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Tags: Ganciclovir, males, mice, muscles, p16, senescent cell ablation, senolytics