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Rapamycin rejuvenates oral health in aging mice
Elife. 2020 Apr 28;9:e54318. doi: 10.7554/eLife.54318.
Jonathan Y An 1 2, Kristopher A Kerns 1 3, Andrew Ouellette 4, Laura Robinson 4, H Douglas Morris 4, Catherine Kaczorowski 4, So-Il Park 2, Title Mekvanich 2, Alex Kang 2, Jeffrey S McLean 1 5, Timothy C Cox 6, Matt Kaeberlein 1 2
...Here, we demonstrate that short-term treatment with rapamycin rejuvenates the aged oral cavity of elderly mice, including regeneration of periodontal bone, attenuation of gingival and periodontal bone inflammation, and revertive shift of the oral microbiome toward a more youthful composition. This provides a geroscience strategy to potentially rejuvenate oral health and reverse periodontal disease in the elderly.
PMID: 32342860
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Tags: Bone regeneration, mice, rapamycin