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Mitochondrial function and mitochondrial DNA maintenance with advancing age.
Biogerontology. 2014 Jul 12. [Epub ahead of print] doi:
Gaziev AI, Abdullaev S, Podlutsky A
.....Oxidative damage to mtDNA molecules does not substantially contribute to increased mtDNA mutation frequency; rather, mtDNA replication errors of DNA PolG are the main source of mtDNA mutations. Mitochondrial turnover is the major contributor to maintenance of mtDNA and functionally active mitochondria. Mitochondrial turnover involves mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial dynamics, and selective autophagic removal of dysfunctional mitochondria (i.e., mitophagy). All of these processes exhibit decreased activity during aging and fall under greater nuclear genome control, possibly coincident with the emergence of nuclear genome instability.
We suggest that the age-dependent accumulation of mutated mtDNA copies and dysfunctional mitochondria is associated primarily with decreased cellular autophagic and mitophagic activity
We suggest that the age-dependent accumulation of mutated mtDNA copies and dysfunctional mitochondria is associated primarily with decreased cellular autophagic and mitophagic activity
PMID: 25015781
Tags: autophagy, mitophagy, mtDNA maintenance, review