SENS PubMed Publication Search
Loss of Mitochondrial Function Impairs Lysosomes.
J Biol Chem. 2016 May 6;291(19):10263-76. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.695825
Demers-Lamarche J, Guillebaud G, Tlili M, Todkar K, Bélanger N, Grondin M, Nguyen AP, Michel J, Germain M
Alterations in mitochondrial function, as observed in neurodegenerative diseases, lead to disrupted energy metabolism and production of damaging reactive oxygen species. Here, we demonstrate that mitochondrial dysfunction also disrupts the structure and function of lysosomes, the main degradation and recycling organelle. Specifically, inhibition of mitochondrial function, following deletion of the mitochondrial protein AIF, OPA1, or PINK1, as well as chemical inhibition of the electron transport chain, impaired lysosomal activity and caused the appearance of large lysosomal vacuoles. Importantly, our results show that lysosomal impairment is dependent on reactive oxygen species. Given that alterations in both mitochondrial function and lysosomal activity are key features of neurodegenerative diseases, this work provides important insights into the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases.
PMID: 26987902
Tags: ROS