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Inter-telomeric recombination is present in telomerase-positive human cells.
Cell Cycle. 2013 Jun 6;12(13). [Epub ahead of print] doi:
Dlaska M, Schöffski P, Bechter OE
.....We developed a novel homologous recombination reporter system that is able to measure inter-telomeric recombination in a sensitive manner. We asked the fundamental question if homologous recombination between different telomeres is present in telomerase-positive cells. In this in vitro study, we showed that homologous recombination between telomeres is detectable in ALT cells with the same frequency as in cells that utilize the telomerase pathway. We further described an ALT cell clone that showed peaks of recombination which were not detected in telomerase-positive clones. In telomerase-positive cells the frequency of inter-telomeric recombination was not increased by shortened telomeres or by a fragile telomere phenotype induced with aphidicolin. ALT cells, in contrast, responded to aphidicolin with an increase in the frequency of recombination. Our results indicate that inter-telomeric recombination is present in both pathways of telomere length control, but the factors that increase recombination are different in ALT and telomerase-positive cells.