SENS PubMed Publication Search
Identification of long-lived proteins reveals exceptional stability of essential cellular structures.
Cell. 2013 Aug 29;154(5):971-82. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.07.037
Toyama BH, Savas JN, Park SK, Harris MS, Ingolia NT, Yates JR rd, Hetzer MW
.....Here, we provide a system-wide identification of proteins with exceptional lifespans in the rat brain. These proteins are inefficiently replenished despite being translated robustly throughout adulthood. Using nucleoporins as a paradigm for long-term protein persistence, we found that nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are maintained over a cell's life through slow but finite exchange of even its most stable subcomplexes. This maintenance is limited, however, as some nucleoporin levels decrease during aging, providing a rationale for the previously observed age-dependent deterioration of NPC function. Our identification of a long-lived proteome reveals cellular components that are at increased risk for damage accumulation, linking long-term protein persistence to the cellular aging process.
PMID: 23993091
Tags: brain, protein damage