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Hypoxia Induces Re-Entry of Committed Cells into Pluripotency.
Stem Cells. 2013 Jun 14. doi: 10.1002/stem.1446
Mathieu J, Zhang Z, Nelson A, Lamba DA, Reh TA, Ware C, Ruohola-Baker H
.....We now show that hypoxia can govern cell fate decision since hypoxia alone can revert hESC- or iPSC-derived differentiated cells back to a stem cell-like state, as evidenced by re-activation of an Oct4-promoter reporter. Hypoxia-induced "de-differentiated" cells also mimic hESCs in their morphology, long-term self-renewal capacity, genome wide mRNA and miRNA profiles, Oct4 promoter methylation state, cell surface markers TRA1-60 and SSEA4 expression and capacity to form teratomas. These data demonstrate that hypoxia can influence cell fate decisions and could elucidate hypoxic niche function.
PMID: 23765801
Tags: stem cells