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Harvard Aging Brain Study: Dataset and accessibility.
Neuroimage. 2015 Apr 3. pii: S1053-8119(15)00265-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.03.069
Dagley A, LaPoint M, Huijbers W, Hedden T, McLaren DG, Chatwal JP, Papp KV, Amariglio RE, Blacker D, Rentz DM, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Schultz AP
The Harvard Aging Brain Study is sharing its data with the global research community. The longitudinal dataset consists of a 284-subject cohort with the following modalities acquired: demographics, clinical assessment, comprehensive neuropsychological testing, clinical biomarkers, and neuroimaging. To promote more extensive analyses, imaging data was designed to be compatible with other publicly available datasets. A cloud-based system enables access to interested researchers with blinded data available contingent upon completion of a data usage agreement and administrative approval. Data collection is ongoing and currently in its fifth year.
PMID: 25843019
Tags: biomarkers, brain, databases