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Generation of Bioartificial Heart Tissue by Combining a Three-Dimensional Gel-Based Cardiac Construct with Decellularized Small Intestinal Submucosa.
Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print] doi:
Vukadinovic-Nikolic Z, Andrée B, Dorfman SE, Pflaum M, Horvath T, Lux M, Venturini L, Bär A, Kensah G, Lara AR, Tudorache I, Cebotari S, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Haverich A, Hilfiker A
.....The focus of this study was the generation of an artificial three-dimensional (3D), contractile, and suturable myocardial patch by combining a gel-based CC with decellularized porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS), thereby engineering an artificial tissue of 11 cm2 in size. The alignment and morphology of rat neonatal cardiomyocytes (rCMs) in SIS-CC complexes were investigated as well as the re-organization of primary endothelial cells which were co-isolated in the rCM preparation. The ability of a rat heart endothelial cell line (RHE-A) to re-cellularize pre-existing vessel structures within the SIS or a biological vascularized matrix (BioVaM) was determined. SIS-CC contracted spontaneously, uniformly, and rhythmically with an average rate of 200 beats/min in contrast to undirected contractions observed in CC without SIS support. rCM exhibited an elongated morphology with well-defined sarcomeric structures oriented along the longitudinal axis in the SIS-CC, whereas round-shaped and random-arranged rCM were observed in CC. Electric coupling of rCM was demonstrated by microelectrode array measurements. A dense network of CD31+/eNOS+ cells was detected as permeating the whole construct. Superficial supplementation of RHE-A cells to SIS-CC led to the migration of these cells through the CC, resulting in the re-population of pre-existing vessel structures within the decelluarized SIS. By infusion of RHE-A cells into the BioVaM venous and arterial pedicles, a re-population of the BioVaM vessel bed as well as distribution of RHE-A cells throughout the CC was achieved. Rat endothelial cells within the CC were in contact with RHE-A cells. Ingrowth and formation of a network by endothelial cells infused through the BioVaM represent a promising step toward engineering a functional perfusion system, enabling the engineering of vascularized and well-nourished 3D CC of dimensions relevant for therapeutic heart repair.