SENS PubMed Publication Search
Galacto-conjugation of Navitoclax as an efficient strategy to increase senolytic specificity and reduce platelet toxicity
Aging Cell. 2020 Apr;19(4):e13142. doi: 10.1111/acel.13142.
Estela González-Gualda 1, Marta Pàez-Ribes 1, Beatriz Lozano-Torres 2 3 4 5, David Macias 1, Joseph R Wilson 3rd 1, Cristina González-López 1, Hui-Ling Ou 1, Sofía Mirón-Barroso 1, Zhenguang Zhang 1, Araceli Lérida-Viso 5, Juan F Blandez 2, Andrea Bernardos 2 3 4 6, Félix Sancenón 2 3 4 5, Miguel Rovira 7, Ljiljana Fruk 8, Carla P Martins 9, Manuel Serrano 7, Gary J Doherty 10, Ramón Martínez-Máñez 2 3 4 5, Daniel Muñoz-Espín 1
...Here, we show that galacto-conjugation of the BCL-2 family inhibitor Navitoclax results in a potent senolytic prodrug (Nav-Gal), that can be preferentially activated by SA-β-gal activity in a wide range of cell types. Nav-Gal selectively induces senescent cell apoptosis and has a higher senolytic index than Navitoclax (through reduced activation in nonsenescent cells). Nav-Gal enhances the cytotoxicity of standard senescence-inducing chemotherapy (cisplatin) in human A549 lung cancer cells. Concomitant treatment with cisplatin and Nav-Gal in vivo results in the eradication of senescent lung cancer cells and significantly reduces tumour growth. Importantly, galacto-conjugation reduces Navitoclax-induced platelet apoptosis in human and murine blood samples treated ex vivo, and thrombocytopenia at therapeutically effective concentrations in murine lung cancer models. Taken together, we provide a potentially versatile strategy for generating effective senolytic prodrugs with reduced toxicities.
PMID: 32233024
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