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Epigenetic Basis of Cellular Senescence and Its Implications in Aging.
Genes (Basel). 2017 Nov 24;8(12). pii: E343. doi: 10.3390/genes8120343
Nacarelli T, Liu P, Zhang R
Cellular senescence is a tumor suppressive response that has become recognized as a major contributor of tissue aging. Senescent cells undergo a stable proliferative arrest that protects against neoplastic transformation, but acquire a secretory phenotype that has long-term deleterious effects. Studies are still unraveling the effector mechanisms that underlie these senescence responses with the goal to identify therapeutic interventions. Such effector mechanisms have been linked to the dramatic remodeling in the epigenetic and chromatin landscape that accompany cellular senescence. We discuss these senescence-associated epigenetic changes and their impact on the senescence phenotypes, notably the proliferative arrest and senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP). We also explore possible epigenetic targets to suppress the deleterious effects of senescent cells that contribute towards aging.
PMID: 29186801
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Tags: cellular senescence, epigenetics, review