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Efficacy and immunogenicity of MultiTEP-based DNA vaccines targeting human α-synuclein: prelude for IND enabling studies
NPJ Vaccines. 2022 Jan 10;7(1):1. doi: 10.1038/s41541-021-00424-2.
Changyoun Kim # 1, Armine Hovakimyan # 2, Karen Zagorski 2, Tatevik Antonyan 2, Irina Petrushina 3, Hayk Davtyan 4, Gor Chailyan 2, Jonathan Hasselmann 4, Michiyo Iba 1, Anthony Adame 5, Edward Rockenstein 5, Marcell Szabo 1, Mathew Blurton-Jones 3 4, David H Cribbs 3, Anahit Ghochikyan 2, Eliezer Masliah 6, Michael G Agadjanyan 7
...To ensure sufficient therapeutic concentrations of anti-α-Syn antibodies in the periphery and CNS, we developed four α-Syn DNA vaccines based on the universal MultiTEP platform technology designed especially for the elderly with immunosenescence. Here, we are reporting on the efficacy and immunogenicity of these vaccines targeting three B-cell epitopes of hα-Syn aa85-99 (PV-1947D), aa109-126 (PV-1948D), aa126-140 (PV-1949D) separately or simultaneously (PV-1950D) in a mouse model of synucleinopathies mimicking PD/DLB. All vaccines induced high titers of antibodies specific to hα-Syn that significantly reduced PD/DLB-like pathology in hα-Syn D line mice. The most significant reduction of the total and protein kinase resistant hα-Syn, as well as neurodegeneration, were observed in various brain regions of mice vaccinated with PV-1949D and PV-1950D in a sex-dependent manner. Based on these preclinical data, we selected the PV-1950D vaccine for future IND enabling preclinical studies and clinical development.
PMID: 35013319
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Tags: alpha-synuclein, antibodies, immunotherapy, mice, parkinson's