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Dose response kinetics of CD8 lymphocytes from young animals transfused into old animals and challenged with influenza.
Immun Ageing. 2013 Aug 16;10(1):34. doi: 10.1186/1742-4933-10-34
Aspinall R, Govind S, Lapenna A, Lang PO
.....The presence of high levels of naïve T cells within the blood of young individuals could provide a boost to the immune system of an older "self" through a rejuvenation of the naïve T cell pool. However what remains unresolved is whether the cells could be incorporated effectively into the T cell pool of the host and whether effectors could be generated. Using CD45 congenic mice in our experiments we show that the transfusion of young donor cells into older congenic host animals leads to their successful incorporation into the peripheral T cell pool. When the recipients were challenged with influenza virus, specific effector CD8 cells were generated which were of both host and donor origin. We found no relationship between the number of responder cells of donor origin at the time of assay and the number of cells injected.
PMID: 23947636
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Tags: immune senescence, parabiosis