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Desulfovibrio Bacteria Are Associated With Parkinson's Disease
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021 May 3;11:652617. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.652617.
Kari E Murros 1, Vy A Huynh 2, Timo M Takala 2, Per E J Saris 2
...Here, we show that Gram-negative sulfate-reducing bacteria of the genus Desulfovibrio may play a potential role in the development of PD. Conventional and quantitative real-time PCR analysis of feces from twenty PD patients and twenty healthy controls revealed that all PD patients harbored Desulfovibrio bacteria in their gut microbiota and these bacteria were present at higher levels in PD patients than in healthy controls. Additionally, the concentration of Desulfovibrio species correlated with the severity of PD. Desulfovibrio bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide and lipopolysaccharide, and several strains synthesize magnetite, all of which likely induce the oligomerization and aggregation of α-synuclein protein. The substances originating from Desulfovibrio bacteria likely take part in pathogenesis of PD. These findings may open new avenues for the treatment of PD and the identification of people at risk for developing PD.
PMID: 34012926
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Tags: Desulfovibrio, gut, humans, infections, iron, LPS, Microbiota, parkinson's