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Biophysical insights into cancer transformation and treatment.
ScientificWorldJournal. 2013 Jun 11;2013:195028. doi: 10.1155/2013/195028
Pokorný J, Foletti A, Kobilková J, Jandová A, Vrba J, Vrba J Jr, Nedbalová M, Coček A, Danani A, Tuszyński JA
.....Mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer cells (Warburg effect) or in fibroblasts associated with cancer cells (reverse Warburg effect) results in decreased or increased power of the generated electromagnetic field, respectively, and shifted and rebuilt frequency spectra. Disturbed electrodynamic interaction forces between cancer and healthy cells may favor local invasion and metastasis. A therapeutic strategy of targeting dysfunctional mitochondria for restoration of their physiological functions makes it possible to switch on the natural apoptotic pathway blocked in cancer transformed cells. Experience with dichloroacetate in cancer treatment and reestablishment of the healthy state may help in the development of novel effective drugs aimed at the mitochondrial function.
PMID: 23844381
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