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Antibiotic Consumption Patterns in European Countries Are Associated with the Prevalence of Parkinson's Disease; the Possible Augmenting Role of the Narrow-Spectrum Penicillin
Antibiotics (Basel). 2022 Aug 23;11(9):1145. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11091145.
Gábor Ternák 1, Márton Németh 2, Martin Rozanovic 2, Gergely Márovics 3, Lajos Bogár 2
...we have hypothesized that, as different classes of antibiotics might induce different dysbiosis, certain classes of antibiotics could trigger the PD-related dysbiosis as well. Comparative analyses were performed between the average yearly antibiotic consumption of 30 European countries (1997-2016) and the PD prevalence database (estimated for 2016). We divided the time frame of antibiotic consumption of 1997-2016 into four subsections to estimate the possible time lapse between antibiotic exposure and the prevalence, prevalence change, and PD-related death rates estimated for 2016. Our results indicated that countries with high consumption of narrow-spectrum penicillin experienced a higher increase in PD prevalence than the others. Countries reporting a decline in PD from 1990 to 2016 demonstrated a reduction in the consumption of narrow-spectrum penicillin in this period.
PMID: 36139924
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Tags: antibiotics, epidemiology, parkinson's