SENS PubMed Publication Search
Age-dependent increase of cytoskeletal components in sensory axons in human skin
Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Nov 1;10:965382. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.965382.
Klara Metzner 1 2, Omar Darawsha 2, Mengzhe Wang 2, Nayana Gaur 1 3, Yiming Cheng 4, Annekathrin Rödiger 1, Christiane Frahm 1, Otto W Witte 1, Fabiana Perocchi 2 4 5, Hubertus Axer 1, Julian Grosskreutz 6 7, Monika S Brill 2 5
...Using human skin biopsies containing sensory axons from a cohort of healthy individuals, we investigate alterations in cytoskeletal content and sensory axon caliber during aging via quantitative immunostainings. Cytoskeletal components show an increase with aging in both sexes, while elevation in axon diameter is only evident in males. Transcriptomic data from aging males illustrate various patterns in gene expression during aging. Together, the data suggest gender-specific changes during aging in peripheral sensory axons, possibly influencing cytoskeletal functionality and axonal caliber. These changes may cumulatively increase susceptibility of aged individuals to neurodegenerative diseases.
PMID: 36393849
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Tags: Accumulation, cytoskeleton, humans, males, skin