SENS PubMed Publication Search
Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage tissue engineering: State-of-the-art in in vivo studies.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2013 Jul 27. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.34896
Veronesi F, Maglio M, Tschon M, Aldini NN, Fini M
.....the aim of this review was to give an overview of in vivo studies about the chondrogenic potential and regeneration ability of culture-expanded ADSCs when implanted in heterotopic sites or in osteoarthritic and osteochondral defects. The review compares the different studies in terms of number of implanted cells and animals, cell harvesting sites, in vitro expansion and chondrogenic induction conditions, length of experimental time, defect dimensions, used scaffolds and post-explant analyses of the cartilage regeneration. Despite variability of the in vivo protocols, it seems that good cartilage formation and regeneration were obtained with chondrogenically predifferentiated ADSCs (1 × 107 cells for heterotopic cartilage formation and 1 × 106 cells/scaffold for cartilage defect regeneration) and polymeric scaffolds, even if many other aspects need to be clarified in future studies.
PMID: 23894033
Tags: cartilage, mesenchymal stem cells, review