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A subset of PARP inhibitors induces lethal telomere fusion in ALT-dependent tumor cells
Sci Transl Med. 2021 May 5;13(592):eabc7211. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abc7211.
Joydeep Mukherjee 1, Ajay Pandita 2, Chatla Kamalakar 3, Tor-Christian Johannessen 4, Shigeo Ohba 5, Yongjian Tang 1, Cecilia L Dalle-Ore 1, Rolf Bjerkvig 4 6, Russell O Pieper 7
...Here, we found that dependence on the ALT mechanism made cells hypersensitive to a subset of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPi). We found that this hypersensitivity was not associated with PARPi-created genomic DNA damage as in most PARPi-sensitive populations but rather with PARPi-induced telomere fusion. Mechanistically, we determined that PARP1 was recruited to the telomeres of ALT-dependent cells as part of a DNA damage response. By recruiting MRE11 and BRCC3 to stabilize TRF2 at the ends of telomeres, PARP1 blocked chromosomal fusion. Exposure of ALT-dependent tumor cells to a subset of PARPi induced a conformational change in PARP1 that limited binding to MRE11 and BRCC3 and delayed release of the TRF2-mediated block on lethal telomeric fusion. These results therefore provide a basis for PARPi treatment of ALT-dependent tumors, as well as establish chromosome fusion as a biomarker of their activity.
PMID: 33952676
Tags: ALT, PARP, Poly ADP ribose polymerase