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A new glaucoma hypothesis: a role of glymphatic system dysfunction.
Fluids Barriers CNS. 2015 Jun 29;12:16. doi: 10.1186/s12987-015-0012-z
Wostyn P, Van Dam D, Audenaert K, Killer HE, De Deyn PP, De Groot V
.....In this paper, we review several lines of evidence suggesting that the glymphatic system may also have potential clinical relevance for the understanding of glaucoma. As a clinically acceptable MRI-based approach to evaluate glymphatic pathway function in humans has recently been developed, a unique opportunity now exists to investigate whether suppression of the glymphatic system contributes to the development of glaucoma. The observation of a dysfunctional glymphatic system in patients with glaucoma would provide support for the hypothesis recently proposed by our group that CSF circulatory dysfunction may play a contributory role in the pathogenesis of glaucomatous damage. This would suggest a new hypothesis for glaucoma, which, just like Alzheimer's disease, might be considered then as an imbalance between production and clearance of neurotoxins, including amyloid-?.
PMID: 26118970
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Tags: glaucoma, glymphatic system, review