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A human antibody selective for transthyretin amyloid removes cardiac amyloid through phagocytic immune cells
Nat Commun. 2021 May 25;12(1):3142. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23274-x.
Aubin Michalon 1, Andreas Hagenbuch 2, Christian Huy 2, Evita Varela 2, Benoit Combaluzier 2, Thibaud Damy 3, Ole B Suhr 4, Maria J Saraiva 5, Christoph Hock 2 6, Roger M Nitsch 2 6, Jan Grimm 2
...we developed the selective anti-ATTR antibody NI301A, a recombinant human monoclonal immunoglobulin G1. NI301A was cloned following comprehensive analyses of memory B cell repertoires derived from healthy elderly subjects. NI301A binds selectively with high affinity to the disease-associated ATTR aggregates of either wild-type or variant ATTR related to sporadic or hereditary disease, respectively. It does not bind physiological transthyretin. NI301A removes ATTR deposits ex vivo from patient-derived myocardium by macrophages, as well as in vivo from mice grafted with patient-derived ATTR fibrils in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. The biological activity of ATTR removal involves antibody-mediated activation of phagocytic immune cells including macrophages. These data support the evaluation of safety and tolerability of NI301A in an ongoing phase 1 clinical trial in patients with ATTR cardiomyopathy.
PMID: 34035264
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Tags: antibodies, ATTR, ATTR removal, transthyretin