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Chemoinformatic Screening for the Selection of Potential Senolytic Compounds from Natural Products
Biomolecules. 2021 Mar 22;11(3):467. doi: 10.3390/biom11030467.
Oscar Salvador Barrera-Vázquez 1, Juan Carlos Gómez-Verjan 2, Gil Alfonso Magos-Guerrero 1
...As a result of screening, we obtained three molecules (hinokitiol, preussomerin C, and tanshinone I) that could be considered senolytic compound candidates since they share similarities in structure with senolytic leads (tunicamycin, ginsenoside Rb1, ABT 737, rapamycin, navitoclax, timosaponin A-III, digoxin, roxithromycin, and azithromycin) and targets involved in senescence pathways with potential use in the treatment of age-related diseases.
PMID: 33809876
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Tags: Hinokitiol, Preussomerin C, senolytics, Tanshinone I