SENS PubMed Publication Search
Transposable elements become active and mobile in the genomes of aging mammalian somatic tissues.
Aging (Albany NY). 2013 Dec;5(12):867-83. doi:
De Cecco M, Criscione SW, Peterson AL, Neretti N, Sedivy JM, Kreiling JA
.....Transposition in somatic cells is very low, but recent evidence suggests that it may be derepressed in some cases, such as cancer development. We have found that during normal aging several families of retrotransposable elements (RTEs) start being transcribed in mouse tissues. In advanced age the expression culminates in active transposition. These processes are counteracted by calorie restriction (CR), an intervention that slows down aging. Retrotransposition is also activated in age-associated, naturally occurring cancers in the mouse. We suggest that somatic retrotransposition is a hitherto unappreciated aging process. Mobilization of RTEs is likely to be an important contributor to the progressive dysfunction of aging cells.
PMID: 24323947
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