SENS PubMed Publication Search
Interleukin-6 directly impairs the erythroid development of human TF-1 erythroleukemic cells.
Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2013 Oct 9. pii: S1079-9796(13)00208-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2013.09.004
McCranor BJ, Kim MJ, Cruz NM, Xue QL, Berger AE, Walston JD, Civin CI, Roy CN
.....We previously reported that chronic inflammation had a negative impact on maturation of erythroid progenitors in a mouse model. We hypothesized that IL-6 may be responsible for impaired erythropoiesis, independent of iron restriction. To test the hypothesis we utilized the human erythroleukemia TF-1 cell line to model erythroid maturation and exposed them to varying doses of IL-6 over six days. At 10ng/ml, IL-6 significantly repressed erythropoietin-dependent TF-1 erythroid maturation. While IL-6 did not decrease the expression of genes associated with hemoglobin synthesis, we observed impaired hemoglobin synthesis as demonstrated by decreased benzidine staining. We also observed that IL-6 down regulated expression of the gene SLC4a1 which is expressed late in erythropoiesis. Those findings suggested that IL-6-dependent inhibition of hemoglobin synthesis might occur. We investigated the impact of IL-6 on mitochondria. IL-6 decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential at all treatment doses, and significantly decreased mitochondrial mass at the highest dose. Our studies indicate that IL-6 may impair mitochondrial function in maturing erythroid cells resulting in impaired hemoglobin production and erythroid maturation. Our findings may indicate a novel pathway of action for IL-6 in the anemia of inflammation, and draw attention to the potential for new therapeutic targets that affect late erythroid development.
PMID: 24119518
Tags: cellular senescence, erythropoiesis, IL-6, SASP