SENS PubMed Publication Search
Molecular strategies to prevent, inhibit and degrade advanced glycoxidation and advanced lipoxidation end products.
Free Radic Res. 2013 Apr 8. [Epub ahead of print] doi:
Aldini G, Vistoli G, Stefek M, Chondrogianni N, Grune T, Sereikaite J, Sadowska-Bartosz I, Bartosz G
.....The advanced glycoxidation and lipoxidation end products (AGEs and ALEs) contribute to the development of diabetic complications and development of other pathologies. The review discusses the possibilities of counteracting the formation and stimulating degradation of these species by pharmaceuticals and natural compounds. The review discusses inhibitors of ALEs and AGEs formation, crosslink breakers, ALEs/AGEs elimination by enzymes and proteolytic systems, the receptors for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) and blockade of the ligand-RAGE axis.