For this year’s #GivingTuesday event on December 3rd, 2019, we’re delighted to announce matching challenges from long-term supporters Christophe Cornuejols and David Chambers.

Christophe will match the first $20,000 donated at any time on Giving Tuesday, and David will match the first $10,000. Thanks to their combined generosity, the first $10,000 given will be tripled, and the second $10,000 will be doubled!

It is my strong belief that we are the first generation in history which has the capability to decide to be the last generation to die of aging or be the first not to.
The evolution of science and technology gives us that choice. Either we invest in research in this area now, and gain 20, 30, 200 years of healthy life or we leave it to a future generation.

It’s just up to us to decide.

I support SRF specifically because I got convinced by their approach of aging as a limited set of engineering problems to be solved (I am an engineer), after reading Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey a few years ago.
I then decided:
1/ to start eating wisely, exercise regularly etc. to still be around, as far as possible, in a few decades, and,
2/ to devote 5 to 10% of my revenues to SRF each year to bring closer the point in time at which the first anti-aging treatments will be available, very possibly within these few decades.

I think I am making the best bet ever opened to mankind. That is my choice.

Your choice now.
Christophe Cornuejols
I’ve known Aubrey for fifteen years, and witnessed him over that time energise a new field of scientific endeavour.

I’m convinced that donations to SRF will realise great improvements in human wellbeing.
David Chambers

Facebook have announced that they will match a total of $7,000,000 USD in donations made through their site on #GivingTuesday – up to a maximum of $100,000 per eligible charity. That may sound like a lot – but with around 1.5 million registered US nonprofits, the money will not last for long!

In fact, in 2018, the same $7m purse was allocated “within seconds“.

The limit per recipient organization has been reduced this year, but we still expect to have no more than a matter of minutes to unlock a share of these funds.

That’s a tall order – but we think our extraordinary supporters are up to the task!

This year’s Facebook match begins at 8:00 AM Eastern Time (5:00 AM Pacific Time, 1:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time) on December 3rd.
We’ve launched a special Facebook Fundraiser to coordinate donations.

If you’re thinking of supporting SRF this year, please consider timing your donation exactly to take advantage of Facebook’s matching.

This link will tell you whether your computer’s watch is actually synchronised:
And if you’re in another time zone, this one will give you the corresponding local time:​

Since the window of opportunity is predicted to be so brief, we suggest visiting our fundraiser page a few minutes before the start time and pre-filling the donation form there – so that all you need to do when the clock ticks over is hit “Donate”!

(All donations made on Giving Tuesday will benefit from our other matching grants, detailed above, regardless of how they’re made – so even if Facebook’s match has ended by the time you donate, your gift will still help us to unlock Christophe and David’s funds.)

2019 End of Year Fundraising Campaign

2019 End of Year
Fundraising Campaign

Values shown below are loaded from the relevant templates; do not edit directly.




The numbers are in – you helped SRF bring in $363,007 in General Fund Donations toward our 2019 EOY fundraiser goal, and blew right past our initial SRF Patrons subscription donations goal of $10k for a total of $13,270!

To say we are humbled by the continued, passionate support of our donors would be an understatement. None of us know exactly what the future will bring, but thanks to you, we can at least be sure it will include better medicine, increased funding in critical areas, and – ultimately – more irreplaceable lives saved.

Both the General Fund and the reliable income provided by subscription donations are essential to SRF’s capacity to keep up the scientific and productive momentum necessary to sustain our work. Your generosity is appreciated more than words can express, and we hope you’ll join us as we journey onward into 2020’s frontiers in rejuvenation biotechnology.

SENS Research Foundation’s 2019 End of Year Fundraising Campaign began on October 29th.

2019 is a special year for SRF, as it marks 10 years of Reimagining Aging. In that time we’ve organised 8 international conferences, helped to launch 8 rejuvenation biotechnology companies, collaborated with research groups at 20 world-leading institutions, published 78 papers, sponsored 111 exceptional undergraduate and recently-graduated scholars, and given over 500 invited lectures to audiences from dozens of countries worldwide.

We would not have made it to this important anniversary milestone without your continued support of SRF’s mission to end age-related disease.

As we reflect on the past decade, we’re particularly grateful to the growing number of our donors who have become SRF Patrons by pledging to support us on a regular basis. The stable income stream provided by Patron subscriptions has helped enable the Foundation to expand our Research Center severalfold since 2009.

We know you share our vision and passion for extending healthy lifespan. With you behind us, we are working towards finding effective ways to treat the diseases and disabilities of aging by funding research, educating new scientists, and providing outreach to the public and industry partners.

We call upon you this year to help us reach our goals of raising $750,000, and securing a total of $15,000*/month in new or augmented SRF Patron subscriptions, by December 31, 2019.

* SRF’s amazing supporters have already taken us past our original $10,000/month goal for new Patron subscriptions – can you help us reach $15,000/month by the end of the year?

Ways to Donate

There are a wide range of ways to donate in support of our work:

Make a one-off donation, or become an SRF Patron by setting up a regular subscription, using the Paypal buttons on our Donation Page.

PayPal accepts most currencies, and you don’t need to create a PayPal account to make a one-off donation by credit or debit card.

SENS Research Foundation, Inc.
110 Pioneer Way, Ste. J
Mountain View, CA 94041

Please post cheques to:

Donating appreciated securities can reduce your capital gains and income tax liabilities.

Here is the form to provide your stock broker for donating stock.

SRF accepts 9 major cryptocurrencies. Provide proof of your donation and we will send you a donation receipt for USA tax deduction.

  • Bitcoin (BTC): 3N6qaU3bnF43u4YTFKQf8usd3UqvyShovS
  • Ethereum (ETH): 0x542EFf118023cfF2821b24156a507a513Fe93539
  • Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0x05974906A808d6b86F748e2d13f14880C56C6ac6
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH): qzhv6u23earx8gxsgxmyhlst5wn7hs6kwyfy90xdpp
  • Litecoin (LTC): MKgEaTyoNpoV414BmycDWFKNXwpfPuDeTH
  • 0x (ZRX): 0x92086F9Ab0a6047a09236a9701E3a43Ca5978B28
  • USD Coin (USDC): 0xEcD3E582F7A71EFC2F363a9F4800b6F8ACBfd5aa
  • Basic Attention Token (BAT): 0x2f6750Bd8936fD1308602923254C91984FD7A4ea
  • Zcash (ZEC): t1fbYT9YMENHH3q1pBt1NJUnb4dZi8uQTEd
  • Create an account via Dwolla’s site, then send your donation to
  • Donation fees are only 25¢ per transaction, or free for transactions of $10 or less.
  • Only accepts USD.
  • Log into Amazon Smile prior to making your purchases and designate SENS Research Foundation as your charity of choice.
  • You get access to all of the same products, and 0.5% of your payments will go to SRF at no additional cost to you!
  • Smile can be used for both SRF and SENS Foundation EU (UK link).

By nominating SRF as your charity when you list an item on eBay, you can donate a percentage of your sales to us and benefit from reduced fees.

Add our eBay for Charity Page as a favourite to make it even easier!

  • Buy your favorite video games from Humble Bundle, and select SRF as your charity of choice.
  • A portion of the proceeds will come directly to SRF.

Create a fundraiser for SRF on your own Facebook page! All proceeds come to SRF at the end of your fundraiser.

Facebook supports many countries world-wide: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Republic of Cyprus, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.

There are a multitude of charities in the world that make it their mission to aggregate donations from hundreds or thousands of donors and give funds to other charities. They make it simple for one donor to distribute their donations to multiple charitable organizations of their choice. SRF is registered with quite a few of these aggregators:
Some corporations offer employer-matched giving. SRF currently receives employer-matched donations from the following companies. If your company is not on the list, we encourage you to contact your employer about donating.
  • Amazon
  • American Family Insurance
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of the West
  • Best Buy
  • BlackRock, Inc.
  • eBay Foundation
  • Eneric Petroleum
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Indeed
  • Intel Corporation
  • Kesselskramer
  • LinkedIn
  • Microsoft
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Nextera Energy
  • Qualcomm
  • TripAdvisor, LLC
  • Texas Instruments
  • UnitedHealth Group

Donors in the UK can make a tax-exempt donation directly to our sister organization, SENS Foundation Europe.

For more information, contact Darren Reynolds.

  • Transational Giving Europe (TGE) allows for donors in Europe to make tax-exempt donations to SENS EU within the TGE network.
  • While tax-exempt, donations through TGE are charged up to a 5% service fee.
  • SENS EU is approved for the following countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland.
  • Contact for detailed information on your country’s TGE partner charity.

Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

© 2025 SENS Research Foundation – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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