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Telomerase Activity in Human Brain Tumors: Astrocytoma and Meningioma.
Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2013 Mar 20. [Epub ahead of print] doi:
Kheirollahi M, Mehrazin M, Kamalian N, Mohammadi-Asl J, Mehdipour P
.....Here, we evaluated telomerase activity in different grades of human astrocytoma and meningioma brain tumors. In this study, assay for telomerase activity performed on 50 eligible cases consisted of 26 meningioma, 24 astrocytoma according to the standard protocols. In the brain tissues, telomerase activity was positive in 39 (65 %) of 50 patients. One sample t test showed that the telomerase activity in meningioma and astrocytoma tumors was significantly positive entirely (P < 0.001). Also, grade I of meningioma and low grades of astrocytoma (grades I and II) significantly showed telomerase activity. According to our results, we suggest that activation of telomerase is an event that starts mostly at low grades of brain including meningioma and astrocytoma tumors.
PMID: 23512291
Tags: brain, cancer, telomerase