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Alterations of Specific Lymphocytic Subsets with Aging and Age-Related Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
Life (Basel). 2020 Oct 17;10(10):246. doi: 10.3390/life10100246.
Ying Jen Chen 1 2, Yi Jen Liao 3 4, Van Thi Ngoc Tram 3 4, Chung Hao Lin 1 2, Kuo Chen Liao 1 2, Chao Lien Liu 3 4
To investigate the association of immunosenescence with aged-related morbidity in the elderly, a clinical study was conducted to analyze and compare the alterations in peripheral blood (PB) T-cell subsets among young healthy (YH) controls, elderly healthy (EH) controls, and age-matched elderly patients with metabolic diseases (E-MDs), with cardiovascular diseases (E-CVDs) or with both (E-MDs/E-CVDs). The frequencies of CD3T, CD8T and invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells were decreased in the EH, E-MD and E-CVD cohorts, indicating a decline in defense function. Although CD4T and regulatory T (Treg) cell frequencies tended to increase with aging, they were lower in patients with E-MDs and E-CVDs. Subset analyses of T-cells consistently showed the accumulation of senescent T-cell in aging and in patients with E-MDs and E-CVDs, compared with YH volunteers. These accumulated senescent T-cells were undergoing apoptosis upon stimulation due to the replicative senescence stage of T-cells. In addition, serum levels of cytokines, including interferon (IF)-γ, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and growth differentiation factor (GDF)-15, consistently reflected alterations in T-cell subsets. This study demonstrated that T-cell subset changes with paralleled alterations in cytokines were associated with aging and age-related pathogenesis. These altered T-cell subsets and/or cytokines can potentially serve as biomarkers for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of age-related morbidities.
PMID: 33080827
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Tags: aging characterization, humans, immunity, T cells